Friday, February 12, 2016

Marathon Week

For some reason I feel as if I ran a marathon. Some weeks are leisurely runs but for some reason this week was tough. Maybe because for most of it I felt blah. I battled a cold for the first part and recovery for the last part. Plus kids had Vday parties which lets be honest are just controlled chaos.

The nine year old has despised her parties all year and I know she isn't alone feeling that way. The six year old is always perfect for the teacher and she raves about him but than I get Mr. Hyde at home most nights. I actually talked to the doctor  about it and got some guidance on it so hopefully it will help.

My 38 year old knees ache super bad again and I have no idea why. There were highlights, there are always highlights of the week. Breakfast with the hubby. Having a special lunch with kiddos and beautiful weather for most of it.

Life is good just exhausting. I truly am happy it is Friday and not much is going on this weekend. I can sleep in though I rarely do. I do need to catch up on laundry somewhat. The boy needs to start taking his antibiotic for a ear infection which I didn't even know he had. Hopefully the girl will lighten up some now we are back to softball season.

Next week should be quieter much quieter. It should be a  cake walk!

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