Friday, February 12, 2016

Welcome to the Geeky Texan

Hi, I am Becky, the Geeky Texan!

I am one geeky girl with lots of opinions (maybe to many).  Maybe if I blog about it, I won't annoy my family so much so here will be my thoughts, feelings, and what ever else I feel is worthy!  I swear more than a mother should and I am unapologetic about it. I got two kids and a wonderful hubby, yes he is a saint to be married for to me for nearly 14 years. Though he moved me 1200 miles to Texas which is  both a good and bad thing- depends on the day. I adult a lot more than I would like and wish it was acceptable to bitch slap people but instead I smile and bitch to my hubby. 

I am likely too involved in the kids school and yes volunteer with things like PTA and room parent stuff. I am super crafty maybe to a fault. I have the luxury of being able to stay home and yes it is a luxury for my family because my hubby has a great job. My role is very traditional in that sense and I am okay with it because it works really well for us. 

I am creeping closer to 40 and I deal with my weight. I love food and it does not love me. Ache still haunts me but I am okay with the stretch marks both kids gave me. My kids are great for the most part. The boy gives me a run for my money and the nearly ten year old is a tween so life is about to be hell with her. 

I am me- honest, questioning everything, and trying to adult the best way I know how which may or may not be the right way. I feel it is a success that the house is clean, kids are clean, laundry is clean and everyone is usually feed. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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